“It was lovely,” said Brenda Salmon, Lagois Design-Build-Renovate Office Manager, “hearing people get excited about their renovation projects.”
Brenda and other members of the Lagois team were on hand at this year’s Ottawa Home and Remodelling Show, held last month at the EY Centre, where they talked to hundreds of people over four days.
The Lagois team always enjoys meeting homeowners and offering advice, so the Home Show was a perfect opportunity for this kind of connection.

Help and resources
When Home Show visitors stopped to discuss projects that were too small for Lagois, or they were out of the area, or they wanted only one part of the renovation process (design, for example), Brenda and the team provided information and resources such as names of kitchen or flooring companies, or particular products, or any of the excellent tradespeople in Ottawa.

How to choose the right one

One of the highlights of the show was a presentation by Lagois President Jacob Kirst. He offered valuable tips on selecting the right renovator. He talked about misconceptions about renovations and renovators, pitfalls to avoid, what to look for in a renovator, how to ensure a smooth project and how to make informed decisions even before a renovation begins.
The show, held from January 23 to 26, attracted hundreds of visitors wanting to explore the latest trends in home improvement. It featured more than 200 experts specializing in renovation, architectural design, and interior design.