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Herb’s Corner: During Renovation, Take Time to Smell the Roses

Updated: Oct 22, 2024

Entryway to dining room


When I look around the waiting room of my doctor’s office, I often reflect on how it never stands still, even in a quiet and rather dull spot such as this. It’s the kind of place where you can reflect on your life and yourself.

Lately I’ve been thinking about Lagois Design·Build·Renovate and how it has become a solid and respected authority in renovation over more than four decades.

My check up makes me reflect on my life and my health, too. Besides poking and prodding, my doctor asks many questions. Sometimes I catch the raise of an eyebrow, and sometimes there are follow up questions. I wonder: Will he want tests? It’s not my favourite thing to do, this usual checkup, but it keeps me humble (and healthy) and makes me grateful.

Imagine if my doctor didn’t take the time to see if I have any issues. Imagine if he just sloughed me off with a wave or a shrug of the shoulders and said, “Next!”

It’s the same with any professional, and it applies equally to the renovation industry. There are those who will say they’ll fix it without asking questions or doing a thorough investigation.

My advice in a situation like that? Walk away and don’t look back.

Your renovation team must care about you

Your designer, architect, site supervisor, technologist, product development manager, craftsman, production manager – every member of your project team –

have to care, to ask questions, to understand your family’s needs and your home’s potential. They can’t just wave you off and go on to the next client.

For instance, your designer will help you decide if you really need an addition or if optimizing existing space solves your needs. When you’re interviewing renovation professionals, make sure they’re listening to and understanding you. If you’ve worked with Lagois before, you know it’s exactly what we do.

Process matters (a lot) in renovation

What about process? My doctor certainly has one: registration, a record of weight, height, blood pressure; questions, requisitions, follow-up.

In the same way, for the health of your home and your budget, your professional renovator must have a proven, repeatable process, as Lagois does.

The things that seem small at first might not be. For example, is it okay if you’re interrupted at work for snap decisions? Do you have the time and expertise to apply for permits? Are you okay not knowing what your project costs until a month after completion?

These things really do matter, and your Lagois renovation team helps you with all of it before your project begins.

What about expertise and experience?

Doctors have their areas of expertise. I’m not sure I would be comfortable with a knee specialist performing heart surgery.

Likewise, a renovator who specializes in bathrooms may not be the best to add a second level to your bungalow.

Take your time and enjoy the ride

Unlike medical situations, renovations usually are not emergencies. So why rush to construction only to have the project grind to a halt? The tile needed today, just chosen yesterday, is in Italy? The electrician ready to do his work says the service is not adequate? After moving in, the light over the table is nowhere close to where it should be?

You don’t want to be in the middle of that kind of chaos, and you don’t need to be.

Don’t rush for the sake of rushing. Take the time you need to make decisions. Ask questions. You can be sure your Lagois team will answer them.

Tip: Life can be fast paced. Appreciate every second. Smell the roses. Enjoy the ride.

-Herb Lagois


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