Who looks after the renovators within the Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association (GOHBA)? Who makes sure they have the latest information in the renovation industry? Who passes along code changes, new products on the market, changes in bylaws, important webinars, training sessions, developments in building science?

As of March, 2025, it will be Jacob Kirst, President of Lagois Design∙Build∙Renovate. Jacob replaces Lindsay Haley, Director of Construction at Amsted Design Build, as Chair of the GOHBA Renovators’ Council. It is a two-year term.
Up-to-date information
Tracey Parslow, GOHBA’s Association Services Manager, says the head of the Renovators’ Council is considered to be “a guiding light for the renovators”.
The council has close to 130 members. They’re not all renovators. Some are suppliers and some are other industry professionals.
Jacob, as Chair, is to be the person anyone on the council can turn to for guidance and information and the expert on all things “renovation”. He and the council will work together to make sure he has all the necessary information and resources at hand.
SEO and other tools
The council agenda can contain anything from critical information to recent articles of interest. It can include a speaker or a presentation. This month, for example, the council will hear an expert discuss Search Engine Optimization (SEO); in April the Canadian Home Builders’ Association will present marketing research that will help renovators target their business strategies for success.

The meetings are monthly, online except in March, June and November, which are in-person lunch gatherings, hosted by a supplier. The in-person meetings are designed to be opportunities for networking and good peer conversation. They are always well attended.
Reno Tour

The Council chair is responsible for Reno Tour, a yearly event when homeowners who have had a renovation with a GOHBA-member company open their homes so the public can see quality craftsmanship first hand and meet the renovators.

Another Lagois team member is also joining a GOHBA group. Darren Vander Meer, Lagois Production Manager, will be the head of the Trades Development Council. Darren has extensive experience encouraging people to consider a career in residential construction.
Always there for you
Tracey believes Jacob is a good choice to head the Renovators’ Council.
“He’s a very solid person,” she says. “When you ask him a question or if you need clarification, he always makes time for you. If he doesn’t have the answer, he does his own research and gets right back to you. Or if you just need to have a conversation about something, he’s there for you. And he’s very, very knowledgeable.”
She adds: “I think if you want to be a good chair, you must have a passion for the industry. That’s Jacob.”